“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
-Frederick Douglas
Chattanooga Pioneers!
A short holiday week, a surprise No-Snow-Snow-Day, starting Phase 3-- this week has it all! We hope that you were able to rest with your days off, and that having all your students back in person has been a nice change of pace.
You should have received an email from either Molly or Janiel (on behalf of Courtney) on Friday afternoon (the 12th) stating the Pod Coaching supports you will be receiving this week. The e-mail will state if you are required to attend the event tomorrow (Thursday 18th), if you should expect an Observation/Debrief cycle, or if you should expect a Pop-In from Dr. Cayce. Make sure that you are checking your emails and communicating with your Pod Coach if there are any conflicts with scheduling.
You will get an email this Friday, the 19th, regarding what you should expect for next week, but note that there is no scheduled event next week. The next Pod Coaching event will be March 4th.
We are looking forward to seeing you teach students in the coming weeks! If you have any questions about pop-ins, observations, debriefs, or the events this week then don’t hesitate to reach out.
-Janiel, Molly, and Courtney
Thursday, Feb 18th Pod Coaching Session (Coach will email you if you are to attend)
Wednesday, Feb. 24th Equity Alliance, Theory of Change (2 CMs only)
March 4th Pod Meeting (Coach will email 2.26 if you are to attend)
March 11th- 1 CM monthly meeting
March 18th- 3rd Pathways Event (2 CMs)
March 25th- Pod Meeting (Coach will email you if you are to attend)
April 1st- Chattanooga All Cohort Meeting (1 CMs & 2CMs) 5-6:30
Action Items:
Check your email every Friday and respond by Sunday evening if you get an email asking you to schedule an observation and debrief.
Rigorous Instruction Pod: Share weekly lesson plans with Molly