The Capitol Hill Fellows Program is a year-long program that places Teach For America alumni in full-time, paid congressional staff positions on Capitol Hill. Fellows gain incredible insights into the legislative process and experience in policy and politics at the national level. Applications for the 2023 TFA Capitol Hill Fellows Program will open Friday, November 18th, 2022 and are due Monday, January 9th, 2023. Click here to read more about the program and Click here to submit interest!
The 2023 School Leader of Color Conference Registration is LIVE | SLOC, specifically designed for current and aspiring school and school systems leaders who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color, will take place in Los Angeles on February 3-4, 2023. Participants can engage in whole group sessions as well as skill-building and identity-based programming. Early bird registration ends on November 30. Learn more and register.
The alumni board was formed by TFA alumni in 2020 with the vision to inspire and engage Teach For America alumni in Nashville to take collective action to advance One Day for all students. Their priorities are to create spaces for alumni to connect, to increase capacity for alumni to to take action, and to promote initiatives for alumni to take collective action. Interested learning more about the work of the board or in becoming a member of the board? Submit your interest form here to be contacted by a current board member.
TFA National Alumni Hub Spotlight: Connect with Alumni Page
This month, we are highlighting the Connect with Alumni Page in the Alumni Hub. This page includes different resources alumni can use for connections, community building, and career networking. Click here to visit the page! Click here to visit the national Alumni Hub and learn more about the career, professional development, ad networking opportunities available to all TFA alumni.

November is Native American, or American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. While we should honor, recognize, and celebrate Indigenous Peoples year-round, November is a month to dedicate more time to our individual and respective learning journeys about Indigenous Peoples’ history, culture, knowledge, perspectives, and leadership.
Click here for a non-exhaustive list of resources and click here for a calendar of additional events for educators to help you get started or continue your personal and your students’ learning journeys.

Events with Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE): Considering a career in policy?
Who Runs Your City? - Thursday, November 17 from 5-6:30pm CT
This virtual workshop focuses on learning who the "power players" in your community really are and understanding how local offices like school boards and city councils can impact the issues you care about more than you might expect. Click here to register.
Intro to Policy & Advocacy Careers - December 6 from 6-7:30pm CT
Have you been interested in impacting educational equity through a career in policy and advocacy, but aren’t sure where to start? Click here to register.
Considering a career in Law? Register for a one hour session on Tuesday, November 15th at 4pm CST with Ged Helm, a veteran Kaplan teacher to learn what to expect from the LSAT, strategies to real LSAT questions and study tips to make sure you’re prepared for the exam.
Click here to register for this free event and learn about the Kaplan LSAT Prep Discount for TFA alumni and corps members.
Join members of the Teach For All (TFALL) network in learning, unlearning, resisting, and uniting in solidarity as we aspire to create a world free from white supremacy and all systems of oppression. TFALL invites you to a two-day virtual conference, A Journey to Ending White Supremacy Through Re-indigenization and Decolonization 11/15 - 11/16, as we set out to end white supremacy inside us, between us, and around the world. Learn more and register.

Omar Garriott (DC '02) will discuss career paths for TFA alumni and review LinkedIn profile must-dos (and don’t-dos). You will hear the latest tips and tricks to make the most of the platform so you can get considered and hired for the job you want. Click here to access.
Collective Career Convos Series #4
The Collective Career Convos Series will continue with a session on the art of decoding roles and job descriptions. This session is open to alums, non-alums, and TFA staff who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. Click here to learn more and register.
Find our most recent education openings here.
Share which opportunities you're seeking and be the first to know about new roles.
Find employers throughout the world looking to hire TFA alumni here.
Want to hire from our incredible network of over 900 alumni in our Nashville-Chattanooga region? You can now submit your role directly to the online job board here.

Join TN Alliance for Equity in Education for "Systems Change in K12" on November 16th from 2pm-3pm. What do we mean by systems change? Attendees will examine what systems change looks like and how to expand access to opportunity through an equity lens in community organizing, education, education policy, youth advocacy, and building an inclusive workforce. Click here to register.
The Education Trust in TN: Thrive Program Event
Join The Education Trust in Tennessee as we celebrate the culmination of our Thrive Community of Practice and Fellows Program Tuesday, December 6, 2022 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM CT.
This half-day convening includes the release of our report, Thriving Together Tennessee: Discovering Innovative Pathways for College Success, the results of our youth participatory action research project, and student-moderated panel conversation.
Click here to learn more about the program & Click here to register for the event.
