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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

March 2022 Alumni Blast

Learn from a youth-led panel what's at stake this year for our immigrant & refugee community at the state legislature. Join us on Thursday, April 14th at 5:30 PM CT on our next Alumni Action Event - Speak Up, Speak Out - Leading with Youth Voice - In partnership with TIRRC.


We are partnering with the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC)to host a youth panel and discuss what educators can do inside classrooms to support immigrant & refugee students.


The Literacy Architects are committed to ensuring that educators have incredible learning experiences. With the science of learning, human psychology, and educators themselves as their guide, they are creating a restorative professional learning space for educators. Register to one of their FREE Spring Series before they are full.

  • Teaching Students How to Read Through Explicit and Systematic Instruction (Part 1): Grades K-2.

  • Accelerating Reading Growth Through Fluency: Grades 3-9.

  • Targeting Reading Needs with Advances Decoding Instruction: Grades 3-9

The TFA Nashville-Chattanooga Alumni Team is excited to offer Professional Development Scholarships to alumni living in Nashville and Chattanooga.

The purpose of these Professional Development Scholarships is to expand access to leadership development for TFA alumni living in our region and to create pathways toward key roles impacting education.

Find more information and apply here.

The TN Educators of Color Fellowship is a year-long experience designed to inform and empower local professionals. The Fellowship provides new skills, networking opportunities, growth experiences, and community with other teachers of color.

Find our most recent education openings.

Share which opportunities you're seeking and be the first to know about new roles.

Find employers throughout the world looking to hire TFA alumni here.

Want to hire from our incredible network of over 900 alumni in our Nashville-Chattanooga region? You can now submit your role directly to the online job board here.

Ten for Tennessee recognizes and celebrates the top ten policy and budget proposals in 2022 that best advance educational equity and justice in the state. Ed Trust TN recognizes the ideas that have the greatest potential to improve opportunity and access for students of color, students from lower-income communities, students with disabilities, and English Learners.

Are you curious about Restorative Practices? Eager to learn how to embody Restorative philosophies and practices in your personal and professional life?

Join us for an International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP) training on March 26 + April 9 (via zoom).

We will engage in IIRP's "Introduction to Restorative Practices" and "Using Circles Effectively." This training typically costs $450, but we are offering discounted rates for both students ($30 for both days) and faculty/community members ($50 for both days).


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