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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters



We ❤️ Nash

Hope you all had a good long weekend and a great Valentines day! I hope you got to celebrate with the people you love and felt loved and appreciated yourself. I am especially grateful for you all and love you for your dedication to our city and students.

Back at it again this week. We can do hard things!



Ps. There are some really great resources below for celebrating Black History Month in the classroom, so scroll all the way down!


1. (Mandatory) School Meetings this Thursday, Feb 18th @4:30pm CST!

Link to join sent to your school calendar and email this week.

Sorry I had to cancel our Valor and Republic time this past Thursday, but I am even more

excited for us all to be together! There will be two very important special guests (see

bios below) at our meeting, so don't miss it!

Dave and Daphne are our cohort board partners. Can't wait for you all to meet them!

2. 2CM Equity Alliance Workshop RSVP:

Feb 24th, 2021

3. Profile

In an effort to get you guys more connected to each other, please complete your slide on this slideshow so everyone can know who each other is! You can reach out to each other and make new friends based on content, interests or if you are just curious about someone!

4. Add songs to our cohort playlist! Time to refresh! What songs are getting you through this semester!

5. Calendar

Check the calendar to see when I will be visiting your classroom as well as upcoming cohort events!


1. (Mandatory) School Meetings!


Thursday, February 18th, 2021 4:30-5:30pm CST

3. (Mandatory) Final 2CM Equity Alliance Theory of Change Presentation

Wednesday, February 24th, 2020


Teaching Resources:


This week's shout out goes to our two resilient 2 CMs at Nashville Prep, Michael Collins and Samantha Grimes!

Michael used his exit ticket data at the beginning of his lesson to root students in the WHY and then made connections to their classroom vision--- to be prepared for high school! So strong. Kudos Michael!

Here you see him enter the data into the chat and make it a goal for them to achieve higher than.

Samantha used an obstacle to foster student leadership. For some reason her zoom wouldn't let her share screen, so she quickly put another student in charge for the day and they became teacher and lead the class through the entire experiment segment. How cool! Finding small ways to let students lead is a great way to foster leadership and inclusion in your classrooms!

She also posts her directions in Spanish to be responsive to her EL students, which I thought was neat! Kudos Sam!


We are 27 change makers with a lot more in common than we think. Our vision is to create closeness and connectivity with one another, our students, and their families to solve problems and create action.


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