Happy International Women's Day!
Hope you all had a great weekend! We are fast approaching some time off, so hang in there!
This is the month of the woman. I am grateful to all the strong women in our cohort! You all inspire me and challenge me to be a better woman! Thank you for your contributions to this world! We have musicians, researchers, writers, activists, scientists, biologists, cooks, dog moms (lizard moms too), yogis, partners, grad students, fashion enthusiasts, Spanish speakers, outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and women that represent so much more in our cohort! I am so proud of who we are.

Below I have linked an awesome resource from the History Channel to study Black History through a well curated timeline! Please check it out, and other great resources the channel has compiled, and share it with your students and colleagues.
1. Sanitization Needs Survey We were able to procure some funding to provide you additional sanitization supplies. We know your schools will be providing PPE and other supplies, and we want to provide an extra layer of support if you have additional needs. If you are supporting students in person, please take this survey and share your needs. The link will stay open throughout the spring semester and I, Adrian, will review it weekly and reach out directly to CMs who have expressed a need.
2. Please complete the survey here openly and honestly so that we can support you through the transition to in-person teaching. Thank you for your input and time!
3. Sign up to be part of the 2CM Task Force, which will collaborate/support the Alumni Leadership Team to develop and refine the programming of this event.Apply here: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/CJCs3G
Alumni Induction - 2CM Task Force Sign Up Form.png
4. If you missed our cohort meeting, please sign up for a time to meet with me before spring break https://calendly.com/changecohort
5. Profile
In an effort to get you guys more connected to each other, please complete your slide on this slideshow so everyone can know who each other is! Also, add to your slide your vision and classroom motto!
6. Add songs to our cohort playlist! Time to refresh! What songs are getting you through this semester!
Teaching Resources:
Resource for COVID transition plans and resources here
AMANDA GORMANS POEM LESSON PLAN: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/lessons-plans/lesson-plan-discuss-22-year-old-amanda-gormans-inaugural-poem-the-miracle-morning/
A week of Action: BLM in the Classroom: https://www.blacklivesmatteratschool.com/
Feb 2021: Honoring Black Agency and Joy: https://www.facinghistory.org/educator-resources/current-events/february-2021-honoring-black-agency-black-joy
BHM Lessons & Resources: https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/student-engagement/tools-tips/black-history-month-lessons-resources
6 Teaching Tools for Black History Month: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/black-history-month-teaching-resources-matthew-davis
This week's shout out goes to all of you for an amazing quarter! I am so unbelievably proud of all of the work you all have put in for your students and families! Take some time off during Spring Break. You deserve it!

We are 27 change makers with a lot more in common than we think. Our vision is to create closeness and connectivity with one another, our students, and their families to solve problems and create action.