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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

2022 Educator Preparation Report Card

Greetings Alumni!

I am pleased to announce that Teach For America Nashville-Chattanooga continues to be a top ranked Educator Preparation Program by the Tennessee State Board of Education.

Our region is 1 of only 5 programs that scored two (2) “Exceeds Expectations” and one (1) “Meets Expectations” ratings across this year’s three scored performance categories.

Once again, Teach For America Nashville-Chattanooga, Teach For America Memphis, and our region’s longtime partner Lipscomb University, all rank as the top 3 programs for high demand endorsement areas (hardest to staff subjects). This means our teachers are all serving in the highest needs classrooms across the state.

Teach For America teachers are among the most racially and ethnically diverse in the state, and our teachers staff high need subject areas based on the needs of our communities and school partners.

Additionally, Teach For America Nashville-Chattanooga retained 95% of teachers who return for a second year, which exceeds the state average. Our region has ranked as one of the overall top educator preparation programs for 12 consecutive years and Teach For America as an organization has consistently been identified as a source of effective teachers and a top performer in the state of Tennessee.

Data from the Teacher Educator Preparation report card is used to inform the region’s future programming and approach to developing excellent educators who support students in Tennessee.

As we continue to navigate the challenges that our students and teachers face daily, I am inspired by the dedication and resilience not only from our teachers, but from all of the educator preparation programs across the state who share a common goal of providing an excellent education for all students in Tennessee.

Thank you all for your commitment and dedication to our network of leaders, which drives the success of our region and the organization.


Stephen Santellan

Executive Director

Click here to read more about this year’s results. You may also access the complete data here.


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